Education Forms 

Form Report Grading Request:  Grading Request for the Form Report is available on the MN Board of Assessor's website linked above. 
Demonstration Narrative or Income Tax Court Narrative Grading Request: Grading Request for the Narrative or Tax Court Narrative is available on the MN Board of Assessor's website linked above.  Scroll to the bottom of the page under Forms.
Case Study Exam Application (Income or Residential): Income or Residential Property Case Study Exam application

Patrick Chapman, Ramsey County | 651-266-2159 |
John Conway, Winona County | 507-457-6309 |
Tina Diedrich-Von Eschen, Kanabec County | 320-679-6470 |
Brian Folden, Benton County | 320-968-5020 |
Reed Heidelberger, City of Alexandria | 320-759-3628 | 
Kyle Holmes, Carlton County | 218-384-9148 |
Judy Lazar, Ramsey County | 651-266-2152 |
Scott Lyons, Dakota County | 651-438-4436 |
David Parsons, City of Marshall | 507-537-6772 |
Joe Skerik, Beltrami County | 218-333-4146 |
Julie Hackman, Olmsted County | 507-328-7656 |
Ryan Larson, Marshall County | 218-745-4338 |

Course Challenges*, Retests and Course Materials: MAAO Course Challenge*, Re-test or Course Materials Request/Order Form
*Course Challenge is a two-step registration process: 1) Complete the form above and order course materials for study. 2) When you are ready to take the exam, coordinate a date and time with your nearest proctor, then complete the Course Challenge portion of this form to register and pay for the exam prior to taking it.

MAAO Scholarships: Information for the Dan Franklin Collegiate Scholarship and the MAAO Week Long Course Scholarship can be found on the Scholarship Page.  Apply Online!